Buy a shirt, start a conversation.
TLDR: $20 each. Shirt says BLM in Chinese. All profits will be donated to Color of Change, a racial justice organization campaigning to create a better world for Black people in America.
As an Asian-ish person who has spent several years in China and Taiwan, I know that negative sentiment towards black skin is still a thing in many Asian cultures. When it comes time to address this anti-blackness, the often-heard comment is “that’s just Asian culture”. While this bias may not be intentionally malicious, it still causes pervasive harm and influences the way people behave and are treated. From skin-whitening creams, to pointing out Black people in the streets, to looking down on aspects of Black culture, this cultural perspective subjects an entire race of people to undue shaming and mistreatment.
Luckily — culture can change. We MAKE culture. Culture is made from millions of tiny moments.
So I made a drawing into a shirt to start conversations. Conversations that ever so subtly change cultures for the better.
This isn’t going to solve police violence against Black people in America, but it’s a tiny thing to make the message a little more obvious, a little more universal, and speak to communities who may need to see that Black lives matter in their own language too. Change might be painfully slow, but let’s at least make it global.
The translation to Mandarin is not perfect, as few translations are, but after scanning the internet it seems that people have come to the conclusion that this phrase most accurately captures the intent of the movement.
黑人的命也是命 = Black Lives Matter
So — buy a shirt? Then when someone asks you what it means, start this conversation.
黑人的命也是命. (hei ren de ming ye shi ming)
Order request form
$20 each, Venmo or paypal, price includes shipping to wherever, but if it’s traveling far feel free to add a little extra if you can, no pressure.
I have a limited number of shirts so can’t guarantee your size will be left. Will do my best, but out of stock sizes may take a few weeks to order/ship!
100% cotton unisex black T
All profits will be donated to Color of Change
Proud shirt-owners/conversation-starters: